Vibrational SoundTherapy

Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) is the practice of using tones (or a combinations of tones) to produce a calming state which acts as a kind of “internal massage” for the nervous system. VST is different than listening to music, because, where music tells a story with sound, which may or may not be soothing, a VST practitioner simply strikes a note and plays the tone(s) in a prescribed timing and sequence so that our biorhythms sync to those tones. This impacts the type of neurons (messages) the brain will produce and then send to the body’s natural pharmacy.

Therapeutic sounds and vibrations calm the nervous system and often assist the body to release emotional and physical trauma, as well as, reduce depression and anxiety. Tone sequences in VST promote the release of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin - neurotransmitters that let the body know when to feel happy, safe, centered, focused, energetic, empowered and more. People who experience VST sessions report feeling a greater sense of wellbeing after a session. They often report feeling more focused, balanced, and calm. Additionally, those who have been working through grief often mention a lightness on the heart, a better sense of connection and feelings of hope. Most participants also experience better sleep in the days following a session.

At Amethyst House LLC, a VST session is structured as follows: (1) Intake & Discussion: your practitioner takes note of and listens to your specific needs; (2) Preparation: you will lie or sit down depending on what is appropriate; (3) Selection: your practitioner will choose the instruments that will work best for your personal needs; (4) Sound Journey: you relax as your practitioner plays tonal sequences catered to you, creating a personal sound experience which moves you into a deeply relaxed and meditative state.

After a VST session we will talk to you about your experience. Many people feel the vibrations in the body, some see color, feel tingling, feel lightness, some feel like they are floating and more. It is a deeply personal experience for each person. If you would like to know more about VST or to down load a full size version please visit our blog on the website. ▪️

Tune the Body Like a Musician Tunes an Instrument…

Frequencies on the Solar Harmonic Sound Scale can be applied on or near different body parts to help “tune” bio frequencies to be in better harmony with certain health benefits. They do this by helping the brain send the right signals.

1: Hips-lower back and below/Survival-Protection/Key C, 256hz

2: Abdomen-Navel/Creativity-Emotions/Key D, 288hz

3: Solar Plexus-Pancreas/Power-Intellect-Intention/Key E, 370hz

4: Heart-Lungs-Circulation/Love-Grief-Trauma Healing/ Key F, 341h.3 hz

5: Throat-Thyroid-Esophagus/Truth-Communication-Voice-Lymphatic system/Key G, 384hz

6: Cranium-Pituitary-Eyes/Vision-Inuition-Inherrited Ailments-Wellbeing/Key A, 426.7hz

7: Top of the Head and above/Divinity-Clarity-Spiritual Connection/ Key B, 480hz

A healing Sound Bath can quickly relax the body because human bio-rhythms have the natural instinct to match frequency with those being played near-by. Yes, that is why your favorite song can make you feel so much better! Conversely, this is why you have the urge to turn a certain piece of music off as well!. ▪️

Empower Your Brain & Nervous System…

Solfeggio Sound Sequences

The Solfeggio music scale is known for vibrations that reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and enhance both emotional and physical healing.

Common Frequencies Used: 396hz - Release negative thoughts/emotions; 417hz - Promote positive change; 528hz - Reduce anxiety/ Improve Sleep

Binaural Beats & Brain Tuners

A binaural beat is an ‘auditory illusion’ created when you listen to two frequencies of the same note at the same time. The “Superior Olivary Complex” is located in the brain stem and it processes input from both ears. When it hears two slightly different versions of a note (close frequencies), it stimulates brain waves that tell the body to release hormones that relax us and tells the nervous system that it is safe to do so.

“Brain Tuners” - these are tuning forks tuned to the brain wave frequencies. When struck near you, the tones encourage your brainwaves to match the ideal wave frequency for each range, thus also providing benefits listed below.

Brain Waves Effected by Binaural Sequencing and/or the use of “Brain Tuners”: Delta 1-4hz (Sleep/Pain Relief), Theta 4-8hz (Deep Relaxation/Creativity), Alpha 8-14hz (Reduce Stress/Positivity), Beta 14-30hz (Focus/Problem solving)

One method for sound healing is sometimes referred to as “Sound Puncture” or “Aucutonics”, both which suggest running the vibration of different sound frequencies through acupressure and reflexology points. Strike a tuning fork and place the fork base on a point appropriate to the desired location of the healing.

Elizabeth Black

Elizabeth Black (staff writer) is a Reiki Master/Master Teacher, Life Coach, and Intuitive Healer. She holds a BA and an MFA in Writing and an MA in Education. Universities: UC San Diego, Oxford University, UK, San Jose State and San Francisco State.
