Amethyst House Cares 

✓ OCT 2024 Help keep social and community events at Amethyst House free or very low cost.

✓ JAN 2025 Fund “Care Memberships” which allow people whose service goes above and beyond for the community to receive healing services for less.

✓ JUNE 2025 Fund those dealing with difficult and/or chronic diagnosis to receive healing services for less.

✓ JAN 2026 Fund a “teen support circle” and school site visits to teach meditation and empathy to help prevent violence in our community.

If you would like to support the Amethyst House Care’s Fund please use the box below to send your gift and share this link to our ‘give’ site on your socials, to help increase awareness of the fund. 💜

Why give?

  • Say thank you and pay it forward by helping provide lower cost services for key stone community members whose health and well being provides exponential benefits within our community.

  • Be part of the solution. More people exploring spiritual practices, finding centering and grounding, being in community and more through free events and social meet ups spreads joy and promotes peace right here at home.

  • It starts with us. As we find little ways to be in community, to support one another in three-body health and help shift the over all frequency we find it comes back to us. Find a little something from us in your in box when you give $200+ annually.

  • Care Membership

    To find out if you or someone you love qualifies for a care membership please write and request a complete list of qualifications and required proof of qualification and ask for an application.

    To learn what is included with care membership please click here.